Thursday 25 May 2017

WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.2.6 Extension

WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.2.6 Extension


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WooCommerce Subscriptions

How to Get Started

  1. Buy this extension
  2. Download, install, and activate the plugin in your WooCommerce store
  3. Set up your first subscription-based product or service and take it live
  4. Check out our detailed documentation to help you customise your subscription products, renewal options and more
  5. Sit back and enjoy earning more revenue!

Capture More Residual Revenue with Recurring Payments

Can you guarantee how much money your store is going to make this month? If you offered subscription-based products, you could do just that.
With WooCommerce Subscriptions, you can create and manage products with recurring payments — payments that will give you residual revenue you can track and count on.
WooCommerce Subscriptions allows you to introduce a variety of subscriptions for physical or virtual products and services. Create product of the month clubs, weekly service subscriptions or even yearly software billing packages. Add sign-up fees, offer free trials or set expiration periods.
A subscription-based model will allow you to capture more residual revenue — and all you have to do is ship the orders.

Why Use WooCommerce Subscriptions?

WooCommerce Subscriptions Features

Free Trials & Sign Up Fees

Charge an initial amount to account for customer setup costs, or allow customers to try before they buy, by adding sign-up fees and free trials to any subscription product.

Subscription Management

Store owners get full-featured subscription management via the WooCommerce > Edit Subscription administration screen. You can suspendor cancel a subscription, change the trial expiration, add items, shipping, fees or taxes to the subscription or modify the recurring total for future payments.

Synchronised Payments

If you only want ship on certain days of the month, or align all customers to the same annual membership term, you can with WooCommerce Subscriptions’ renewal synchronisation feature. You can even prorate the first payment of a synchronised subscription purchase.

Flexible Product Options

When creating a subscription product, you can make the product downloadable, virtual or physical, charge renewal payments weekly, monthly or annually, limit the product to one-per-customer and even charge shipping only on the initial order.

Subscription Coupons

Offer customers a discount on their monthly payments or just the sign-up fee. Subscriptions includes both recurring discount coupons and sign-up fee coupons.

Variable Subscriptions

Create variable subscription products and allow your customers to choose a subscription that suits their needs. You can even allow your customers to choose their own billing schedule.

Subscriber Account Management

Your customers can also manage their own subscriptions. With the My Account > View Subscription page, subscribers can suspend or cancel a subscription, change the shipping address or payment method for future renewals and upgrade or downgrade their subscription.


Allow customers to upgrade, downgrade or cross-grade between different subscription products. With flexible proration options for the recurring amount, sign-up fee and length, you can also customise the costs of switching to a new subscription product to suit the needs of your store.

Multiple Subscriptions

Your customers can also purchase different subscription products in the same transaction and Subscriptions will group the products to reduce the payment gateway fees and logistical overhead for their future renewals.

Customer Emails

Automatically notify customers when a subscription renewal payment is processed, a subscription is cancelled or when a subscription has expired with the built-in subscription emails.

Capture More Residual Revenue

Whether your goal is to ship a surprise bundle of products to faithful customers every month or bill them for an in-person service provided by your small business, WooCommerce Subscriptions can take the stress out of capturing that all-important residual revenue.
You’ll be able to track just how many subscribers you have, when they’re being billed, and how much revenue you’re generating — meaning you’ll always know how much revenue your store can count on as you continue to grow.

The Subscriptions Settings

Once you have installed the extension, you will now have a tab under your WooCommerce settings specifically for this extension.

Button Text

A simple but very useful option. This is not only good because it gives you an option to customize the text in these buttons, but also if you have other products on your site, you can make your call-to-action with subscriptions stand out.
woo subscriptions button text


Again, this gives you the chance to assign subscribers to a specific role. Where I might use this is if I have several different subscriber-likeroles. Let’s say I allow subscribers to my blog and as a result they end up with a profile on my site. Then I also have the customer role for clients who purchase my coaching. I might then use a plugin like the User Role Editor to create custom user roles for my subscribers and call it subscriptions. That way I can more easily organize all the users I have on my site.
And of course I can do the same for inactive subscriber roles.
woo subscriptions roles


This is where the benefits of this plugin are and the recurring payments. By default, most store owners won’t want the manual option compared to the auto-renewal. Giving your customers the need to go in and renew manual will likely end up with more people canceling their subscriptions. So unless you do have a specific reason to use this option, it’s there. Just remember that if they are auto-recurring, make that obvious to people before they subscriber or you will have nothing but headaches down the road.
woo subscriptions renewals


Another great option is if you have different variations of subscriptions where customers can either upgrade or downgrade. In these settings you can easily allow people to switch to another subscription, hopefully upgrading to the next level. You can allow them to switch between Subscription VariationsGrouped Subscriptions, or both. A prorated sign-up fee is optional and you can control the subscription length on prorated switching. And lastly, the option to also change the button text for switching between subscriptions.
woo subscriptions switching


This is a useful feature if you want subscriptions to renew on specific days.
woo subscriptions synchronisation


A few odds and ends here that are pretty self-explanatory.
woo subscriptions misc

Payment Gateways

Once you have activated and set up your payment gateways, they will appear here. Note, if you are using PayPal as one of your gateways, PayPal Standard is the only one that works with this extension.
woo subscriptions payment gateways

Subscription Coupons

You will also be able to take advantage of coupons that come with WooCommerce. As you can see here, the option for either a flat or percentage discount on both sign-ups and recurring fees.
woo subscriptions coupons

Email Notices

Under your WooCommerce Settings > Emails you will find several different emails that are related to the subscription extension.
woo subscriptions emails

Setting Up a Product Subscription

With subscriptions, you have the option of Simple Subscription and Variable Subscription

Simple Subscription

As you can see there are several options here for how you can control your subscription price. The drop down menu gives you several variables for the number of days, weeks, months or years. Sign-up fee is optional if different than the subscription fee and setting a free trial or a sale price is easy to do.
woo subscription simple subscription

Variable Subscriptions

These are very similar to setting up other variable products, which you are either familiar with having used WooCommerce, or you can learn more about here. But as you can see here some fields are unique to subscriptions.
woo subscriptions variable


In the Advanced tab you will find one specific setting for subscriptions that will let you allow a single customer to have limits.
woo subscription advanced limits

Managing Your Subscriptions

As people sign up you will be able to manage all of those subscriptions. You get a convenient birds-eye view of the subscription as well as the option to suspend or cancel one. You can even change the Next Payment date if needed.
woo subscriptions management
So if you need to set up recurring payments with WooCommerce, this is the option I recommend. As you can see it has a lot of features and easily lets you control subscriptions. Learn more by clicking here.

WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.2.6 Extension

Get it now


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