Friday 26 May 2017

WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management 2.2.8 Extension

WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management 2.2.8 Extension


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Bulk manage stock levels and print out stock lists from admin

The bulk stock management extension gives you a new interface (found in Products > Stock management) which lists your products and variations along with their stock properties.
Products can be filtered by product type, stock management status and stock status, and ordered by name, ID, SKU or stock quantity.
Via the input field you can easily set the stock quantity for multiple products at once. There are bulk actions for setting the stock status too.

View and filter products, then bulk update stock quantities

Finally, there is a ‘View stock report’ button which lets you print a report of all stock levels in your store:

Stock report

Bulk Stock Management

The Bulk Stock Management extension gives you a new interface (found in Products > Stock Management) that lists your products and variations, along with their stock properties.


To install the extension:
  1. Download the extension from your dashboard
  2. Upload the plugin folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate ‘WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management’ from the Plugins menu within WordPress

Stock Management

Bulk manage your stock via the ‘Stock Management’ menu item in the ‘Products’ menu item.
WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management - Stock Screen
You can filter the products on this screen by stock management status, stock status and category. They can be ordered by name, ID, SKU or stock quantity.
Via the input field  at the end of each table row you can easily set the stock quantity for multiple products at once.
Or your can select products using the checkboxes on the left and then apply bulk actions such as:
  • Mark “In Stock”
  • Mark “Out of stock”
  • Allow backorders
  • Allow backorders, but notify customer
  • Do not allow backorders
WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management - Bulk Actions

Stock Report

You can also generate a stock report for the products in your store that have their inventory levels managed. The report will show each product and each product variation on a separate line.
WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management - Stock Report


The plugin displays variations from products that were deleted

This is usually due orphaned variations being still in the database. You can delete those variations using the following SQL query (please do a database backup first):
DELETE o FROM `wp_posts` o
LEFT OUTER JOIN `wp_posts` r
ON o.post_parent = r.ID
WHERE IS null AND o.post_type = 'product_variation'
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WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management 2.2.8 Extension


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