Wednesday 7 June 2017

WooCommerce Box Office 1.1.3 Extension

WooCommerce Box Office 1.1.3 Extension


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Sell tickets for your next event, concert, function, fundraiser or conference directly on your own site with Box Office

Box Office for WooCommerce allows you to create and sell tickets directly to customers — no need for them to visit or use a third-party site or service anymore! Get ticket sales for your next event or conference up and running within minutes and start making additional income today.
We successfully used Box Office to manage all ticket sales, coupons, live-stream tickets and onsite registration and checkin for WooConf 2016 in Austin, Texas.

Why use Box Office?


Keep ticket sales on your site

With Box Office, you can create an ‘event’ product and sell it directly in your store, keeping your customers onsite.

Connect with attendees

Add custom fields to signup forms to learn more about attendees and personalize their experience. Customize emails sent after a ticket purchase and send bulk emails to attendees.

Attendee CSV export

Download a CSV export for all ticket holders based on ticket type.

Ticket inventory management

Automate ticket sales by setting individual ticket limits for each ticket you create and ensure that you don’t oversell tickets for a certain event or ticket type on your site.

Offer multiple ticket types

Create unlimited ticket types, each with their own pricing, benefits and/or private content, and manage stock levels independently.

Restrict content to ticket holders

Do you want to offer a private webinar, a live-stream of your event or give your attendees access to downloadable content after the event? It’s all possible with Box Office.

Find attendees with ease

Search for attendees by name, ticket ID, email or even company.

Offer discount codes

Offer coupon codes to event partners and sponsors to help drive ticket sales and easily track and manage coupon usage from your WooCommerce admin dashboard.
Box Office integrates with the WooCommerce Order Barcodes extension, allowing you to print a unique barcode within your customer’s ticket which allowing you to easily manage and track your events attendance.

WooCommerce Box Office

WooCommerce Box Office enables you to sell tickets online. It provides a full-featured ticketing solution for any type of event.


  • WooCommerce 2.5+
  • WordPress 4.4+

Feature Overview

WooCommerce allows you to set up any product to function as a ticket by creating a virtual product, but excludes ability to manage tickets. Box Office bridges that gap.
  • Manage tickets for as many events as you wish
  • Generate tickets that can have specific ticket-holder information attached
  • Collect info on individual ticket-holders
  • Allowing ticket-holders to manage their own info, regardless if they made the purchase
  • Send custom printable tickets
  • Bulk-email ticket-holders
  • Export ticket-holder info to a CSV document
  • Use Order Barcodes (separate purchase) to generate unique, scannable barcodes for each ticket


  1. Download the .zip file from your account.
  2. Go toWordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New to upload the file you downloaded with Choose File.
  3. Activate the extension.
More information at: Installing and Managing Plugins.

Creating tickets

Tickets start with creating a product, or editing an existing product in WooCommerce, then ticking a checkbox to designate as a ticket.
  1. Go toWooCommerce > Products. 
  2. Click Add Product to add a new product. Or open an existing product. More info at: Adding and Managing Products.
  3. Scroll down to the Product Data section, and tick the Ticket box.

New ticket poduct option
Ticket option

Any product — simple, variable, physical, digital — designated as a ticket is unique.
For example: If an order is placed for 10 products, then 10 tickets are generated. The purchaser can edit each ticket and, by adding an email address to the ticket, send to each ticket-holder to view, edit and print.
4. Go to new ticket tabs made available in product data.
Next sections cover Ticket Fields, Ticket Printing and Ticket Emails. This is where you customize tickets and decide what info to gather on each ticket-holder, what printed tickets look like, and what emails they receive.

The three new tabs available for ticket products
Tabs for ticket products

Ticket Fields

Ticket fields are questions you ask each ticket-holder. It can be anything from their name to dietary requirements or any question unique to your event. Here are ticket fields we created for WooConf 2016:

Ticket fields from WooConf 2016


Choose from these options for field type:
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • URL
  • Twitter
  • Text
  • Dropdown menu
  • Radio buttons
  • Checkbox(es)
Name, email address, URL and Twitter fields are all standard text fields, and ticket-holder info is validated according to type.

Auto-fill, Contact, Required and other Options

For each field, you can choose:
  • Auto-Fill – Automatically pulls values from billing info and assists in gathering ticket info without purchaser input, making checkout smoother.
  • Drop down menu, radio buttons, checkbox(es) – Allows you to supply a comma-separated list of options to ticket-holders.
  • Email address fields – Can specify Yes/No if (a) the email address supplied by the ticket-holder should be used as the contact email address and if ticket emails are sent to that address; and (b) the email address should be used to source the ticket-holder’s Gravatar. The Gravatar is used in the [tickets] shortcode (see ‘Shortcodes’ section below).
  • Required – Make it a required or optional field to complete.

Ticket Printing

Tick the box if you want tickets to be printable by the ticket-holder. Using the editor, you have full control of ticket design by adding, deleting and reordering ticket fields/labels you specified in Ticket Fields.

Content of the ‘Ticket Printing’ tab

Once you have enabled printing and decided on ticket content, a ‘print ticket’ button becomes available on the ticket page for all ticket-holders.

Ticket Emails

Tick the box if you want ticket emails sent to the contact email address whenever a ticket is updated (more below). Using the editor, you have full control of email content by entering a subject and adding, deleting and reordering the fields/labels you specified in Ticket Fields.

Content of the ‘Ticket Emails’ tab

Info will be pulled from purchaser/ticket-holder input.

Selling tickets

Selling tickets is the same as selling a normal product in WooCommerce.
On the single product page, a form is displayed based on ticket fields you defined:

Ticket form on single product page
Ticket form on single product page

Updating quantity also updates the ticket form. For example: Changing the quantity to 2 will display two ticket forms — Ticket #1 and Ticket #2. Fields with auto-fill will already have data in them if the customer is logged-in.
After purchase, a list of tickets can be seen on:
  • Order complete page
  • Order complete email
  • My Account page
  • PDF invoice generated by WooCommerce PDF Invoices (separate purchase)
In each location, there is a link to the ticket edit page where it’s possible to alter info. The URL follows this format:
Each URL is unique to the ticket. While publicly accessible, the URL is only shared with the purchaser and then the purchaser can choose to share or not.

Updating tickets

As the ticket-holder

Ticket-holders can edit tickets by accessing the unique URL.
  • Ticket purchaser can edit the ticket details
  • Ticket purchaser can change the email address, and then the new email address is sent the email created for this ticket (see ‘Ticket Emails’ section above). Email is only sent if the email address is different from the previously saved email address. Ticket-holder can then edit his/her own details via the URL.

Edit ticket page for ticket holder
Edit page for ticket-holder

As the site admin

WooCommerce Box Office adds a new item to your dashboard menu:

Tickets menu item

Under All Tickets, you can:
  • View purchased tickets along with info supplied by ticket-holders
  • Open a ticket, edit Ticket Fields info and look up the ticket edit page URL for each ticket

Edit ticket in admin dashboard
Edit ticket in admin dashboard

Emailing ticket holders

You can set up an automated, one-off email as mentioned above.
You can also send specific emails to all ticket-holders.
  1. Go toTickets > Tools.
  2. Open the ‘Email’ tab.
  3. Select which ticket product you want to email.
  4. Enter a subject line and content using the familiar WordPress content editor:

Ticket email tool

5. Preview or click “Send to all ticket holders” if you’re ready. A job is then put in the queue, and batches are sent every 10 minutes.
 Previously sent emails appear in a table below the email editor.

Previously sent emails table

In this table you can view email subjects, which ticket products were targeted, how many email addresses were targeted, and how many mails were sent. You can also click the email subject to see the email log.

Exporting tickets

The ability to export tickets is useful for record-keeping, accounting, reports and lists.
  1. Go to: Tickets > Tools.
  2. Open the ‘Export’ tab.

Box Office export tool

3. Select which tickets you want to export from the dropdown. By default they are all selected.
4. Click the ‘Download Export File’ button. This creates a CSV file of all fields for selected tickets. The CSV also contains:
  • Ticket ID
  • Ticket status
  • Name of ticket
  • Ticket edit URL
  • Date of purchase
  • Order ID
  • User ID of purchaser
  • Tickets fields you defined in the product
This CSV may also be used import ticket data in another system (such as a newsletter service) or used as dynamic data to print out name badges.

Tickets reporting

The ability to get a top-level view of the total number of tickets sold to date, per event/product, is possible within the Reports screen of WooCommerce.
  1. Go to: WooCommerce > Reports.
  2. Click on the Tickets tab.
WooCommerce Box Office - Tickets Reports

Scanning tickets

This option requires the purchase and activation of Order Barcodes (separate extension).
Use the [scan_ticket] shortcode in a post/page to produce a scan ticket form.

Scan ticket form using [scan_ticket] shortcode
Scan ticket form with [scan_ticket] shortcode
The form allows you to look up the ticket-holder and mark him/her as attended via ticket barcode. More info at Order Barcodes documentation on how to use the barcode scan device.
Explanation for the [scan_ticket] shortcode is described in Shortcodes below.


  • user_id — User ID
  • amount — Can be “all” or “-1” or any number.
  • fields_format— Can be “flat” or “list”
Display tickets purchased by user
  • order_id — Order ID
  • amount — Can be “all” or “-1”, or any number.
  • fields_format— Can be “flat” or “list”
Display tickets of order
  • products — Comma-separated product IDs
  • amount — Can be “all” or “-1” or any number.
  • order — Order by. Default is “date”
  • avatar_size — Size of avatar to display. Default is 96.
  • columns — Number of columns in grid. Default is 3.
Display all tickets from product(s)
  • action — Default action to select. Can be “lookup” or “attended”
Display form for scanning ticket barcode.
  • product_id — Ticket product ID.
Hide content between [ticket_private_content] and [/ticket_private_content] if ticket token is unavailable in the URL. Token is passed as query arg token.
WooCommerce Box Office 1.1.3 Extension

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