Tuesday 23 May 2017

WooCommerce Memberships 1.8.4 Extension

WooCommerce Memberships 1.8.4 Extension



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WooCommerce Memberships 

Review: Overview

WooCommerce Memberships integrates with WooCommerce (version 2.2 or newer) to let you sell or gift access to memberships, restrict any content on your site (such as posts, pages, custom post types, and taxonomies like categories and tags), and restrict product viewing or purchasing to members. You can drip content or product access over time so that members don’t gain access to all content immediately, and can also give members discounts on certain products as a membership perk.
Member management is simple, and customers can have multiple memberships to support either tiered or topic-based membership setups. User memberships can be unlimited, or you can set an expiration length in terms of days, weeks, months, or years. Memberships can also integrate with WooCommerce Subscriptions to sell memberships with recurring billing.

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Setup

There aren’t many settings for Memberships, as most settings are related to messages for members and non-members (such as “this content is restricted” messages). The restriction mode can be set to one of three settings:
  • Hide completely will make restricted content completely private, and will 404 membership pages for visitors if they try to access them. This also blocks search engines from indexing content. Hidden posts will not display in archives such as the blog page or shop.
  • Hide content only will show featured images and titles, but will block access to the content of posts and pages. Hidden posts will show in archives. You can optionally choose to show excerpts to visitors and search engines with this setting.
  • Redirect to page works in a similar fashion to “hide content only” — hidden posts are shown in archives, and only the title and featured image are shown. You can also allow excerpts for visitors and search engines. However, when a visitor tries to access restricted content, the visitor is redirected to a page that will show the right restriction message (this way you can customize the page if desired).
WooCommerce Memberships Review: General Settings
General Settings
Restriction messages can include the products that will grant access to the membership to let your non-members know how they can become a member and gain access, and will be shown on all protected content. Once you’ve set up general restriction messages, you can customize the messages related to products.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: Product Settings
Product Settings
You can also opt to remove hidden products from the catalog, which is helpful when your mode is set to “Hide content only” or “Redirect to page”. This will remove viewing-restricted products from the shop completely rather than show the title in the shop page.
To complete setup, you may need to create products to sell your memberships. While you don’t need to sell memberships (you can manually grant access to plans if you choose to), you will most likely want to sell these memberships you’re creating.
You’ll create a regular WooCommerce product — it can be simple, variable, or a subscription with WooCommerce Subscriptions — to give access to the membership. There are no specific “membership-type” products, as you may want a membership to be an add-on to another product, or you may not want to sell access at all and instead require applications.
Membership plan access can be granted from zero or more products, which can let you sell a monthly membership or a one-year pass with two different products, add a membership as a perk for purchasing another product, or choose not to grant access with a purchase and instead only give access manually.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: create product
Create a Membership Product
Create any products that will grant access to memberships, and you’re ready to set up plans.

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Create Plans

Membership plans are the core of a content-restriction plugin, and WooCommerce Memberships is no different. You can create as many membership plans as needed by clicking “Add Membership Plan”.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: create a plan
Create a plan
Once you have at least one plan, you can also duplicate it to make set up faster, which is especially helpful for tiered memberships (i.e., silver / gold / platinum) where access is increased for higher tiers.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: Duplicate plan
Copy a plan
When creating a plan, you’ll need to configure general settings. This is where you’ll select products that can grant access to the plan (if any) when purchased. These can be simple products, variable products, or even a specific variation of a product (i.e., only the small tee shirts). You can add as many products as you want that should grant access to this membership.
You can also determine the membership length, as members can be unlimited (never expire) or expire after a certain length, which can be set in terms of days, weeks, months, or years.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: general plan settings
Plans: General Settings
Next you’ll move onto content restriction. You can restrict entire content types (such as all posts or pages) with a single rule, which is unique to WooCommerce Memberships. You can also select individual posts or pages to restrict, or use taxonomies like categories and tags to restrict content.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: restrict content
Plans: Restrict Content
You can also set up content dripping from this screen. Determine if members should get access to this content immediately, or if they should wait a certain time period before getting access.
If you have another plugin that adds custom content types, these will be shown for restriction rules as well. For example, if Projects by WooThemes is activated, the “Project” custom post type and “Project Category” taxonomy can be used in restriction rules:
WooCommerce Membership Review: restrict custom post types
Restrict Custom Post Types
Next, you can restrict products. You’ll be able to restrict viewing, which prevents non-members from seeing the product page, or restrict purchasing, which lets non-members see products but not purchase them. This lets you determine if some products should help you tease out membership content, or if they should be completely private.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: restrict products
Plans: Restrict Products
To complete plan setup, you can determine if members of this plan should have access to purchasing discounts for all or some products in your store, and activate those discounts (which can be a set amount or a percentage).
WooCommerce Memberships Review: Product Discounts
Create Member Discounts

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Managing Content & Products

While you can restrict content and products while creating a plan, there are also other ways you can restrict your content and manage it as you add more content to your site so you’re not constantly updating plans.
When you add posts or products, you can use the new “Memberships” meta box added to the screen to restrict your new post or product. The general Memberships meta box is added to any new page, post, or custom post type on your site:
WooCommerce Memberships Review: content meta  box
Content meta box
This lets you add rules to restrict this product as you create or edit it, and will automatically add the rule to your membership plan when this content is saved.
A Memberships box is also added to the “Edit Product” screen, but this meta box has a bit more detail. You can restrict products, but they can also grant access to plans and have discounts associated with them, so you can also manage these while creating or editing a product. You can:
  • restrict the product to a certain plan
  • let the product grant access to a membership plan
  • set up a discount for a membership plan on this product
WooCommerce Memberships Review: product meta  box
Products meta box
The downside to this meta box is that you can’t control settings for specific variations, i.e., only allow the “gold” variation of the product to grant access to the membership, but this can be managed from the plan page. Granting access to a plan or discount from this meta box will apply to all variations for variable products.
The upside to using the Memberships meta box while editing content or products is that you can choose to make a post or product public. This will override any restriction rules for the content and make it excluded from all rules, for all plans.
WooCommerce Memberships: Make Public
Make Public
This will also be shown when you view content or product restriction rules for a membership plan to remind you:
WooCommerce Memberships Review: Excluded posts
Excluded Content
The “Make public” action is helpful when you want to restrict an entire content type, but leave one or two posts public as a teaser for your membership.

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Shortcodes

Content can also be managed via shortcodes. There are two Memberships shortcodes that can help you restrict your content.
The [wcm_restrict] shortcode lets you wrap sections of content and restrict them. When content is wrapped in this shortcode, it won’t be public, and can only be seen by members. This can help you hide parts of a post, such as a video or infographic, from non-members.
This video (for members only) shows you more:

Video is embedded here; can only be seen by members

Did you like the video?
This shortcode can also accept a list of plans to restrict content to only certain members using the plan slug or id. For example:
[wcm_restrict plans="silver, gold"]
This content can only be seen by silver or gold members.
The [wcm_nonmember] shortcode can let you display content only to non-members. This can be helpful to include an upsell or notice to log in which will not be shown to members, as it’s not necessary. This can let you build sections of content tailored to each kind of user on your site:
...which is shown in this video:

Can't view the video? Please purchase a membership to view it!

[wcm_restrict plans="silver"]
Hey silver member! Please upgrade to a gold or platinum membership to view this video :)

[wcm_restrict plans="gold, platinum"]
Video is embedded here

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Customer Experience

So now that content is restricted, what will all of this look like? It depends on your settings, but the Memberships frontend display will show your restriction notices on content and products, as well as discount notices.
Restriction notices will use your content, and if you use the {products} merge tag, a list of products that can grant access will be inserted in the notice to upsell your membership. These can also be customized on a per-product or per-post basis.

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Content Restricted notice
Content Restricted

WooCommerce Memberships Review: product restricted notice
Product Restricted
If you have discount messages set up, they’ll be displayed to non-members on the product page. Members will see any discounts applied with a “Member Discount” flash to let them know they’re getting a deal.

WooCommerce memberships review: discount notice
Non-members: Discount Notice

WooCommerce memberships review: member discount notice
Members: discount applied
If a member will have access, but not yet, the date that the content is accessible will be displayed:

WooCommerce Memberships Review: content access delayed
Content access delayed

WooCommerce memberships Review: product access delayed
Product Access Delayed

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Subscriptions

WooCommerce Memberships features a tight integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions. While Memberships works completely fine on its own to sell set-length memberships, using it with Subscriptions adds several capabilities.
First, you can tie membership access to a subscription product, which will let you use recurring billing for a membership. When you do so, Memberships will automatically pay attention to subscription status changes, so the membership will not expire and you don’t set a length. Instead, it will be cancelled with the subscription is cancelled, and will also pay attention to any subscription suspensions to pause the membership.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: Subscription plans
Subscription plans
Memberships can also use a free trial period when tied to a subscription product. If the subscription uses a free trial, you can determine whether content should be included in the trial period or not. If you choose to start access after the trial, then the content is not available during the trial, but access is granted after the first payment.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: Free trial restriction
Free Trial exclusions
Subscriptions supports subscription switching for upgrades and downgrades, which Memberships also supports to let members change their own memberships. Subscriptions can be switched or suspended from the “My Account” page. If a subscription is switched, the membership will also be switched.
WooCommerce memberships Review: Subscription Switching

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Integrations

Memberships also integrates with several other plugins to completely integrate memberships with your site. For example, if you use WooCommerce Product Vendors, you can restrict a vendor’s entire catalog to members only:
WooCommerce Memberships Review: Vendors integration
Vendors Integration
You can also use plugins like User Switching to test out memberships and view the site as a member, or use the Groups integration to import members from Groups for WordPress.

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Managing Members

Member management is a highlight with WooCommerce memberships. While setting up plans easily is a perk, you spend most of your time interacting and managing members. Memberships makes it easy to add memberships, change a membership status or start date (to give dripped content access earlier), or add notes to a membership.
WooCommerce memberships review: Member management
Manage Member
Member notes help your team keep track of interactions with your members so you can add notes when you communicate with a member, change a plan, or add a new one. You can also choose to notify a member with a member note, which emails the note to your member for easy communication.
WooCommerce Memberships Review: member notes
Member Notes

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Pros and Cons

While Memberships does a lot of things well, it’s a very new plugin, so there’s still room to grow and several features on the roadmap to be built (such as reporting on members). Some of the cons here are on the roadmap, but they’re not currently available with the plugin.


  • Easy to set up and configure
  • Customers can have > 1 membership
  • Membership access can be granted via 1 or more product purchases
  • Membership access can be granted manually instead of via purchase
  • Memberships can be for a set length, unlimited, or use recurring billing with Subscriptions
  • Restrict entire content types easily
  • Restrict pages, posts, custom post types, categories, or tags
  • Restrict product viewing or purchasing to members
  • Make individual posts or products public
  • Drip content access over time
  • Create automatic member discounts
  • Shortcodes can restrict bits of content
  • Easy member management
  • Email notes to members
  • Integrates with any payment processor available for WooCommerce stores
  • Integrates with several other WooCommerce extensions
  • Very developer-friendly


  • New plugin so it’s not very mature / has room to grow
  • Requires WooCommerce 2.2+ to function
  • Payments are not built in, so a WooCommerce payment gateway must be used
  • Requires WooCommerce Subscriptions to use free trials or recurring billing
  • Membership upgrades / downgrades require WooCommerce Subscriptions
  • No reporting available for members
  • No members export available
  • Navigation menu items cannot be restricted

WooCommerce Memberships Review: Summary

WooCommerce Memberships integrates with WooCommerce to give you a membership solution that integrates completely with your site and store. It’s a very new plugin so there are tons of features or additions that could be made to improve it, but the core setup, content restriction, plan creation, and member management function fully to make it easy to create a membership site with WooCommerce.
By itself, Memberships lets you sell unlimited or expiring memberships. The integration with WooCommerce Subscriptions adds advanced features such as recurring billing, trial periods, and upgrades / downgrades to support several kinds of memberships, while other integrations are available.
The plugin documentation provides full details on setup and further information on how the plugin works for advanced usage, but set up can be done easily and the time required depends entirely on how many memberships you have and how much content to restrict. Memberships provides a content restriction and scheduling solution that delivers on features without drastically complicating configuration.

Read more about WooCommerce Memberships


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